
The overall aim is to learn about and test technology for computer music performances. All sorts of music computers will be used for this purpose. This semester's focus is on the use of Auditory Virtual Environments (AVE) for computer music production and performance. This includes computer networking, automation and streaming.


Auditory environments are the surrounding part in performance practice of computer music. How to use auditory virtual environments (AVE) for production and performance of CM is as much a part of this course as a basic understanding of it. How to use tools to control them is an important part of computer music and sound art today.


Auditive Umgebungen sind der umgebende Teil in der Aufführungspraxis von Computermusik. Wie man auditive virtuelle Umgebungen (AVE) für die Produktion und Aufführung von CM nutzt, ist ebenso Teil dieses Kurses wie ein grundlegendes Verständnis davon. Der Umgang mit Werkzeugen zur Steuerung dieser Umgebungen ist heute ein wichtiger Bestandteil der Computermusik und Klangkunst.

Spatialisation using Ambisonics systems: Optimize

  • Room acoustics and monitoring at the monitoring station in the Sound Studio using REW
  • Calibrate loudspeaker in an Room.

Ambisonics Decoder building

Using IEM-Plugin "Allrad decoder" und Simple Decoder, to generate and use Ambisonics Decoders.