The IEM Computermusic Ensemble (ICE) is a group of electronic musician, spe-cialized playing with computermusic instruments, such as interactive, augmentedhyper-instruments or simulations of real instruments. The target is contemporarymusic adapted or written for computermusic ensembles but also interpretation ofhistorical ensemble music with virtual instruments. They play with a spatial au-dio system, especially Ambisonics or wave-field systems, where they are renderedwithin small or large concert halls and also open environments.
Projekte die im Umkreis des IEM gesammelt wurden.

Teil der Reihe "Musik & Architektur" als Ausgangspunkt für immersiven Dokumentarfilm zu diesen Thema
Instruments, which are of different reasons not available for certain performances, are replaced by a Simulacrum.Simulacra are more than only simulators or emulators, since includes issues needed for performance practices, acoustical behavior within the performance environment without additional live-amplification, if not claimed by the composition, and sustainable availability.